By Intuitive Gahzaleh Lowe
Dear Soul Sessioners,
Everything I know comes from within me, including these. They are not written based on the planets as used in normal astrology. I know, and am certain, that the truth lies within me so I am able to access my own my Intuition to write these Horoscopes.
Next Soul Sessions installment May 1
You won’t really know what hits you at the beginning of the month but it’s like magic and there is a new inspiration that flows through you. This inspiration enables you to become more and creative, it’s as though you’ll find that your talents are far greater than you had ever realized. A conversation on the 13th of the month has you asking some new questions or yourself and also making some new choices around how you would like to spend your money. It feels to me that you are making some life style changes this month and some of them are bigger than you would have once made and this shows you how much courage you do have. The less you think the better off you are dear Aries and you’ll realize this on the17th of the month as you come into some new choices that do not require your thought process. I feel that in your world of work things are changing in a way that you are stepping towards a whole new direction and one choice in particular will set you off onto a whole new journey. It feels to me that you are ready for a whole new adventure and someone shows up at the perfect time to support you into your new adventure. Love isn’t what it seems and you’ll come into a much deeper love around the 21st of the month where some of your greatest realizations show up. I feel that the insights that you come into around this time will support you to slow down and take in the atmosphere, breathe in the fresh air and really enjoy where you are rather than trying to speed things up all the time. You won’t really know which way to go when arrive at a cross roads around the 26th of the month and this being the case it’s better that you don’t make any decisions on this particular day. When you don’t know then just wait it out until the feeling of knowing or certainty moves through you. You cannot rush a decision such as this one and it’s best that you wait until you feel certain, which I don’t feel will take too long. By the end of the month you will have moved through 4 – 5 new doors in your life and you’ll be able to set some new intentions as your life moves into a direction that is new and very different from what you have experienced so far.
Very early in the month you’ll step into stillness within yourself dear Taurus, which will be familiar and mostly unfamiliar to you. I feel that this stillness comes from a few new choices you made late last month, which have carried on to this month. The deepest insights come your way around the 6th of the month, which support you to truly appreciate your life and where you are in your life. There are so many things that were once so important to you but now seem to be less and less important and this is because you are really changing. It feels to me that you are growing up more and more and spiritually you are choosing to connect with yourself on a level that is far greater than words can express right now. I have a feeling you’ll show up on the 9th with some new ideas and a new feeling that will guide you to make some bigger choices regarding your direction. I know there has been a lot of changes of late and some of them you are still getting used to but this is no reason so stop right now. There is much work ahead of you and it’s the kind of work that is so rewarding that it’s working making sure it’s your priority. The love you have held so deeply in your heart responds on the 10th of the month and shows up in ways that you would never have been able to dream of. I have a feeling this is the case simply because you are ready for it now and you are so much more present in your body these days, which makes all the difference for you. You will win a competition around the 19th of the month; I don’t really know much else about this other than you will win. Towards the 22nd of the month you’ll change your mind about a direction you were about to take, it feels to me that you have taken some time to ponder and you realize that you don’t want to compromise no matter the outcome, or circumstances. Once again you are growing and growing dear Aries and it’s on the 23rd of the month where you’ll feel so very proud of yourself for the choices you have made so far this month and most of this year and for being were you are. A delightful surprise comes your way on the 25th of the month, which will leave you startled in the best of ways, and you’ll spend the rest of the month enjoying this delightful surprise.
You won’t care about the answers anymore this month dear Gemini; all of the questions that you had once thrown around in hope for answers mean nothing to you now. This is great news because it means that you have met yourself in a space where you no longer need the answers and the space you have met yourself in must be massive, to no longer care for the answers. A feeling of being at home comes your way on the 7th of the month and you’ll feel your feet flat and firmly on the ground, so much so that you’ll realize that finally you have arrived somewhere, and where you have arrived isn’t where you thought it would be. If anything it’s better because you are not in the need you once were in and you are not in the fear you once were in. You’ll see that to arrive has nothing to do with your circumstances and everything to do with who you truly are. Around the 16th of the month you’ll reach out to someone very dear to your heart and you’ll take the time to lend them a hand as they set out to create a whole new life for themselves. It’s around this time where you are able to see how far you have come in your own life due to the reflections this other continues to reflect back to you. I feel that you’ll smile very deep within yourself and you’ll reach into an appreciation that will have you wanting to fly out of your body. This I cannot explain any further but all I can say is that this is an experience that you’ll remember for the rest of your life and one that will have one of the greatest impacts on your life, forever. A few stories show up around the 26th of the month but you won’t allow them to affect you as realize the stories must exist to support some in your life but they are not for you so you won’t have to get caught up in them this time. I feel that you’ll be so very pleased with yourself on the 28th of the month as you choose to clear out your space and let go of all the things and stuff that were once your world but you no longer need and no longer feel the same care for. An outstanding offer comes your way right at the very end of the month, which will bring in some big, big changes in your world of finances and you’ll see that you are ready for this type of change. All I can say is please do not judge a book by its cover, follow what you feel not what your eyes see.
You’ll see very early in the month that you don’t need the pain that comes with the stories and the stories that create drama and emotions, which just pain the body more and more. I feel that you’ll take a massive leap of faith around the 4th of the month and this is where you prove to yourself that you are right where you need to be, irrespective of what the world is saying and your circumstances. You’ll get a feel for where you are headed as your month comes to a close and you’ll be so grateful for the experiences in the year of 2013 that have been ever so powerful and supportive for you on your journey. Then around the 9th of the month you’ll choose a new journey and this is when you say you are ready for some new experiences and new adventures. I feel that on the 10th of the month you’ll close an old chapter in your life and choose to start a whole new book. This time though this new book won’t have the same old control in it that the old ones use to have because you realize that you don’t care to be in control in life. You have had many, many experiences so far this year where you’ve not had any control and each experience turned out better than you could have ever anticipated. On the 15th of the month you’ll have a conversation with someone dear to you, which will support you to really rise out of an old pattern that once seemed to have made up your entire story. Finally you are done with this particular story, so much so that you won’t really recognize yourself on the 17th of the month when you awake. Towards the 24th of the month you’ll step into some new choices that will once again support you financially and also enable you to use more and more of your talents. A feeling of love takes over your being on the 29th of the month as you reflect on your year and come to realize that you wouldn’t have done anything different and you wouldn’t have had it any other way. On the 30th of the month an offer comes your way that has you excited and very, very ready!
You’ll never live a life without challenges dear Leo and the truth is that you don’t want to either. This being the case you’ll need to pull yourself together very fast on the 3rd of the month as you realize that these challenges are all supporting you and that this is what you have asked for. Perhaps it’ll do you a world of good to have a look at the intentions you set very early on in the year so that you can have a deeper understanding as to why you are facing the challenging you are at the moment. Of course you’ll be able to move though them and as soon as you seem them for what they really are and realize what purpose they are serving then you’ll be able to face them with love. Someone will question your integrity around the 7th of the month and this is when you’ll choose to really take a deeper look at yourself and ask yourself some very powerful question. Please make sure you are not beating yourself up and make sure you are certain about the choices that you are making. I’m not saying you’ll be sure about everything however it’s implant that your choices feel true for you. A feeling of understanding for someone else in your life comes your way on the 13th of the month and this is where you finally let go of your biggest judgments because you’ll realize that perhaps you too would have done the same thing if you were in the same shoes. I can’t even begin to tell you how freeing this is going to be for you and how much it will support you to rise up in your own life. It’s the judgments that keep us glued to the illusion and don’t allow us to rise and sometimes our judgments are so deep we aren’t aware of the impact they are making in our lives. It’s a powerful time right at the end of the month when you step into more appreciation for who you are and the how far you have come along on your journey. I have a feeling there is a move taking place in your life and this causes things to be a little hectic and busy but it won’t be long before you are able to settle into the place you want to be in. You’ll have a conversation right at the end of the month with someone that will enable you to express your heart and also finally close a door in your life for good. I feel that you’ll be able to close this door with ease and grace this time rather than the pain you once would have felt in closing such a door.
It’s a month where you’ll find yourself taking step after step after step without the usual old questions that once stood in your way. Welcome to the month of May dear Virgo where you’ll find yourself stepping deeper and deeper into your power, and it’s the space that you come from this month that makes all the difference. As the month begins for you you’ll be able to realize that this is the time in your life where you are able to show up with a new strength. You don’t need any more information dear Virgo and you certainly don’t need anymore proof. You’ll be reminded around the 7th of the month to make sure that your choices are coming from love rather than the story. It seems that sometimes you can forget this deeper truth and then you start making your choices based on the story rather than the truth. When your attention is on the story then you are not able to come from love and this is the reminder that will push you into your power. Around the 9th of the month you’ll find yourself creating some new space and realizing that it’s time to do a good clear out once again in your life. A very special invitation opens up your world around eh 18th of the month and will have you really reaching for the stars. You are ready to open up your world and allow more love into it and it’s around the 23rd of the month where you’ll feel ready to bring in the love. A conversation with yourself enables you to go further alone the journey that you are on, this conversation will take place around the 25th of the month and you’ll find yourself really expressing your heart this time. It’s not that you are afraid of challenges and not that you are not willing to see yourself through, it’s just that sometimes you fool yourself into believing what you know isn’t true. Around the 29th of the month you’ll be able to put your money where your mouth is because finally you’ll see that it’s not about the money, what brings you to this point is what is so very spectacular. As the month comes to an end you’ll no longer be sitting with one foot in and one foot out and this will surprise you more than anyone else in your life. Please make sure you are not throwing your energy around and wasting your time watching the world go by through Facebook. I know this may sound somewhat bizarre but it’s what so many people do time and time again.
You won’t care to know all the reasons for the stories this month dear Libra and this is simply because you have chosen to over come the story this time around. I feel that you’ll step into the month of May with a whole new glory and so much more of yourself to share with those around you. There has been a huge shift in you of late and this has caused some major shifts in your life also. You’ll find yourself smiling from ear to ear around the 4th of the month and this is due to a certainty that you finally move into, one of which you’ve been yearning to meet with for such a long time. It will be so important for you to keep moving forward around the 8th of the month and make sure that you continue to use the inspiration that is continuously fuelling the changes that are taking place within you. On the 14th of the month you’ll see what is so very obvious to you now and what once seemed so difficult to you, there will be an amazing idea that will flow through you on this particular day and moment. You’ll find yourself wanting to express from a much deeper space within you on the 23rd of the month and this is when you’ll find some fear sitting within you but you won’t allow the fear to take over and stop you from expressing. An offer that is incredibly powerful comes your way around the 25th of the month and this offer enables you to make some new choices around your finances and you’ll be very pleased with these choices. Perhaps now you are seeing that it’s not about the money and truth be told it never has been. Your head has been in the way when it comes to your financial world and you are not choosing to come from your heart so that nothing can be in your way anymore. As you show up more and more in the moments that life presents you with you are able to release more of more of the emotions that have sat in the depth of your body for so long. You express a very deep love around the 29th of the month and perhaps some confusion comes with this love but it will be worth the expressing. Remember you are not expressing for any reason other than releasing this deep love that sits within you, it cannot keep sitting within you. It must be expressed in order for you to be free and this is what you’ll find as you express yourself on this particular day. Around the end of the month another huge offer comes your way to support you once again on the financial side of the story. And remember here that the key word is story so don’t get lost in it no matter how big the numbers are.
You will know the value of yourself this month dear Scorpio, so much so that it’ll have you moving in a very fast pace. I feel that around the 3rd of the month you’ll be able to give an offer in your life to someone very dear to you and you’ll find yourself showing up so perfectly to bring this offer out of you. You won’t find the sense of what once meant the world to you anymore and on the 5th of the month you’ll be able release a huge attachment that has been such a burden for you in your life. I feel that around the 8th of the month you’ll be able to really stand tall in yourself and find that you don’t have to rely on anyone in this world when it comes to love, because you’ll learn and remember that you are the love you have been in search of, for what feels like forever now. A lesson of true value comes your way around the 12th of the month and you’ll feel ready to share this lesson with those close to you because you’ll be able to see the perfection in the lesson the moment it takes place. You don’t have to follow the rules that someone else follows and this is a moment in your life where you’ll really see where you have been resisting love. I feel that sometimes you’ll find yourself following a whole bunch of rules that really don’t apply to you but you try to fit in with them because perhaps you think it’s a good thing for you. What makes you so amazing is that you don’t fall for the trap of all the rules that most people do and this really can rub people the wrong way at times. Perhaps you’ll want to find a new way of expressing this truth about yourself and do so in a way where you are not tying to push anyone else’s buttons. On the 17th of the month you’ll give permission to an event in your life that will show you where you have hidden a diamond from the pains of the world. You wont’ need to find the sense in what I’m saying as you’ll be able to realize for yourself what these words actually mean to you. Around the 19th of the month you’ll be shown a whole new way if life and this will be so very exciting for you. You’ll find yourself needing to bring more presence into what you are doing around the 23rd of the month as it will feel that you’ll need more of your attention in the here and now. On the 25th of the month you’ll be able to put your foot down when it comes to the compromising games you have been playing with yourself and this is when you’ll see that the work you have been doing on yourself has truly been supporting you. A very awakened moment that takes place around the 27th of the month will surprise you and have you making some new choices about where you are headed in your life. As the month comes to an end you’ll feel ready to take flight into a world that words cannot even begin to express, all I can remind you to do at this time is to have fun.
This is the month where you’ll find yourself really connecting with your breath time and time again dear Sagittarius. It feels to me that you’ll be doing a whole lot of integrating as you step into the month of May. You’ll remember as the month begins that you are no longer afraid of the challenges that arise when one is on the path of love, the path of remembering who they truly are, and this is the path that will bring up so many challenges. Around the 5th of the month you’ll find yourself falling into an insight that you have been in search of for some time, however the way it comes about in to your life will truly surprise you. Someone in your life has your back all the way and they are willing to do what ever it is that they can to support you, and this is very, very rare so please be sure that you are showing and feeling your appreciation. Around the 7th of the month you’ll come across a question that will create a change of events in your life and enable you to go to the places you haven’t perhaps had the courage to do so in the past. You are in a new time of your life dear friend and it’s important that you are not trying to get ahead of yourself so please make sure you don’t try and miss the steps that are before you. A new awareness around your body shows up for you around the 11th of the month and this will enable you to go deeper into presence in a way that words are not able to describe. What shows up for you on the 16th of the month will be rather surprising and also very exciting for you and where you are headed in your world. You’ll want to share this news with those close to you and you’ll feel to express yourself from a space that is so much more powerful than you ever have before. There are some games going on in the back ground of your life and it’s important that you are aware of them, but what ever you do make sure you are not playing them back. The best thing you can do is continue to observe yourself and also the game that is being played, this way you won’t fall for the traps that the game is designed to bring about. Around the 20th of the month you’ll want to take a bit of a break for yourself as you’ll notice that the pace in which your life is moving in is faster than usual. You’ll want to make sure that you have some alone time for yourself so that you can continue to ponder on what you know is the truth. As the month comes to an end you’ll be able to take the rest that you know you deserve and you’ll also feel to make a new move in your life and yes this move is physical.
Don’t play games with yourself dear Capricorn and you have nothing to worry about, it’s when you begin to play games with yourself and you make it out as if you don’t know what’s going on that you cause yourself so much strain. There are some amazing opportunities in your life right now and you are in a time of love, a time where you are able to truly rise. This is what you have been asking for and now isn’t the time for you to be questioning what is going on. Rather bring your attention to how you are feeling and continue to notice the emotions that are arising for you. I feel that you’ll be able to make a move you have been yearning to make around the 8th of the month and this is when you’ll see that you do have a backbone. It’s important for you to bring more awareness to what is going on inside your body rather than ignoring it, there are some profound messages that are available to you and you need to make sure you are paying close attention. Your world of finances is surely shifting time and time again and you must make sure your attention isn’t on the money as you have been placing it of late. Around the 18th of the month a wonderful surprise comes your way and supports you to see what you haven’t been able to see due to the blockages that have been in your way for some time. There are some brilliant shifts that are continuing to take place in your life and you’ll be so amazed to notice how these changes are impacting your well-being. On the 25th of the month you’ll find yourself bringing about a new change in your body, so much so that you won’t really be able to believe your eyes as it takes places. I feel that your head will want to get in the way and try and understand what it won’t possibly ever be able to understand. I don’t feel you need to logically know what is taking place; rather you need to keep bringing your attention to how you are feeling and not necessarily what you are thinking. As the month continues to progress you’ll find yourself releasing more and more of the doubt that has been sitting in the depth of your body. You’ll find yourself wanting to move forward without the doubt and you’ll notice the heaviness of the doubt moving out of your, physically, emotionally and also mentally. Your health will take a turn for the better as you begin to pay more attention to what you love rather than what you don’t want in your life. Around the 28th of the month a very powerful insight will support you to create a new project that you’ll take all the way to success with you. I feel that you’ll be able to realize more and more around this time what you are here to do and how you can do it. Your level of confidence will rise higher and higher as your attention continues to focus on what you love and only what you love. An offer of a life time comes your way right at the end of the month and it will be so important for you to make sure you are present with the offer and that you don’t go off thinking about it. Bring your attention into the here and now and damn it run with this offer, don’t waste a single moment thinking about it, just go for it!
You’ll be reminded time and time again not to get caught up in the thoughts and emotions that arise for you early on in the month. It’s so important that your choices are not based on your emotions and thoughts no matter what is going on, as this only means you’ll be coming from your reactions. I feel that you’ll want to take some alone time around the 5th of the month all the way through to the 11th of the month. It’s so important that you are listening to the guidance that is coming through for you dear Aquarius, rather than trying to get ahead of yourself and ignore what is really going on within you. It’s not as painful as you make it out and the reason you make it out to be so very painful is because you are not allowing yourself to actually sit with what is going on. You’ll notice an open door in your life around the 16th of the month and you’ll feel ready to walk through this door, and the great news is that you won’t be taking any baggage with you. I can’t even begin to tell you how free you are going to feel the moment you walk through this door as you choose to no longer carry the baggage that you’ve carried since what seems like forever. Around the 18th of the month you’ll notice that you are no longer carrying a particular pain that you had been carrying for some time and this will help you to see that the work you have been doing on yourself actually has been more impactful than you had noticed. There are so many profound ideas that continue to flow through you and it’s time you start to pay more attention to the ones that come with the feeling of love rather than the ones that appear to have the dollar signs. Don’t be fooled by the dollar signs and make sure you are not allowing the bright lights to fool you either. I feel that sometimes you forget what you love because your attention goes on to the dollar signs and all the big bright lights. As you step deeper into the month you’ll find yourself wanting to share more of your heart with someone very special to you and this is quite a new feeling for you. Around the 23rd of the month you’ll come across a few words that will really sit well in your heart and you’ll find yourself feeling so great about who you are and where you are in your life. You’ll come to see that the only thing that isn’t ever happy with where you are is your ego and this is when you’ll feel ready to drop what your ego wants from you. Around the 27th of the month you’ll be able to say yes to a project that has continued to come back around many times throughout the year so far. It feels to me that you are ready to take this project on and you are ready to give it your absolute best.
You’re good to go this month dear Pisces and you’ll find yourself stepping deeper and deeper into your certainty. I have a feeling that somewhere around the 3rd of the month a new door opens up for you and enables you to take a huge step forward into a space that you have dreamt about for such a long time. Your body is ready for the change that you have been working towards and it seems that your body will comply with you this time around. I feel that you are no longer carrying the baggage that created what has appeared to feel like pain in your body. The answer that you have been waiting for lands on your lap around the 7th of the month and you’ll realize that you are ready for the most extraordinary experience of your life. It feels to me that this is a month where you are able to keep up with life and the continuous opportunities it brings your way. I feel that you’ll be able to show up to the moment with so much clarity around the 11th of the month and you’ll find yourself stepping out of a very old story that this point in your life. Someone new comes into your world and rocks your world in the best of ways around the 13th of the month and this may cause some very deep feelings within you to arise. I feel that you’ll want to explore these deep feelings and you’ll notice that you are in a place where you are ready to go so much deeper within yourself, thanks to what this person brings about in your life. Around the 17th of the month a huge gift comes your way and enables you to go further in your field of work, in a way that will really blow your mind and have people talking about your talents. It feels to me that you are ready to go to new places in your world and the offer that comes your way around the 20th of the month will enable you to explore the world in new ways and from new spaces. You’ll be presented with a huge opportunist around the 25th of the month and you’ll feel ready to take this opportunity no matter how the story is presenting itself. Around the 27th of the month you’ll purchase something that will be so valuable to you and also support you to take the next level of your life, this means you are maturing so much now. You are ready for the move you have been feeling from the depth of you and right at the end of the month you’ll come across the sign that will confirm to you that it’s time to make the move. You’ll be rewarded hugely in your field of work as you step deeper and deeper into yourself at the end of the month and some feedback that comes your way truly supports you to see the beauty of what you really do, do.